Air pollution is the term used to describe one of the major causes and global warming solutions to mankind. It is a sizeable threat to the surrounding atmosphere including humans, flora, and fauna. Air pollution, which is the release of toxic gases into the atmosphere is measured by chemical, biological and physical pollutants in an area.
Nowadays, numerous impurities altered the atmosphere leads to chronological diseases causing various disabilities. You may notice that some of the air pollutants in the air are visible, but you will be surprised to know that many of them are invisible. That too are tremendously hazardous to your life.
Types of air pollution: -
1. Smog and Soot- They are major types of air pollution causing many issues to the environment and humans. Smog is known as ground-level ozone. It happens due to the combusting of fossils fuels with sunlight. Soot refers to the tiny particles or chemicals present in the air.
2. Perilous air pollutants- These are in the form of gases which cause deadly health risks. Due to these gases, many lung disorders, eyes and skin diseases are the outcomes.
3. Pollen and mold- They are tress particles which emit a lot of airborne gases which is carried in the atmosphere that cause dangerous health risks.
What causes air pollution?
There are innumerable factors which cause air pollution to an unlimited extent. It is due to the activities done by humans in the form of factories emitting toxic air. Cutting of trees is also the big cause of air pollution which in turn gives us less oxygen. Because of these gases, natural habitat disturbs and leads to the volcanic eruption, earthquakes, wildfires and dust storms, etc.
Air pollution effects
It is beyond the bounds of possibility to access the distraction caused by this pollution. Let's talk about the effects of air pollution on our natural habitat: -
• It majorly disturbs the natural growth of plants and trees by averting photosynthesis. Because of this, acid rain forms causing tremendous risks to health.
• Air pollution plays a great role causing global warming and climate change. The excess of carbon dioxide in the air leads to greenhouse effects. The government has altered the environment experts to come with global warming solutions soon.
• With continuous exposer to the environment, your health is at risk causing respiratory diseases, lungs problem and many more.
Solutions to Air pollution
1. The unique and best solution to this type of pollution is to replace fossils fuel with renewable energy by-products like solar wind and geothermal.
2. Nowadays, everyone has his own transport to commute which causes a lot of pollution. So, replace your pollutant vehicle with hydrogen and electric vehicle.
3. Production of clean energy is crucial but it is equally important to low down the consumption of energy. To illustrate, when you are not at home or not using it, switch off all lights and fans.
4. It is very essential to measure the air pollution level timely in order to control in time.
To curb air pollution, various measures are needed to save the atmosphere from further depletion. Not only government, but humans also are required to give a close view of the atmosphere by natural habitat.
Nowadays, numerous impurities altered the atmosphere leads to chronological diseases causing various disabilities. You may notice that some of the air pollutants in the air are visible, but you will be surprised to know that many of them are invisible. That too are tremendously hazardous to your life.
Types of air pollution: -
1. Smog and Soot- They are major types of air pollution causing many issues to the environment and humans. Smog is known as ground-level ozone. It happens due to the combusting of fossils fuels with sunlight. Soot refers to the tiny particles or chemicals present in the air.
2. Perilous air pollutants- These are in the form of gases which cause deadly health risks. Due to these gases, many lung disorders, eyes and skin diseases are the outcomes.
3. Pollen and mold- They are tress particles which emit a lot of airborne gases which is carried in the atmosphere that cause dangerous health risks.
What causes air pollution?
There are innumerable factors which cause air pollution to an unlimited extent. It is due to the activities done by humans in the form of factories emitting toxic air. Cutting of trees is also the big cause of air pollution which in turn gives us less oxygen. Because of these gases, natural habitat disturbs and leads to the volcanic eruption, earthquakes, wildfires and dust storms, etc.
Air pollution effects
It is beyond the bounds of possibility to access the distraction caused by this pollution. Let's talk about the effects of air pollution on our natural habitat: -
• It majorly disturbs the natural growth of plants and trees by averting photosynthesis. Because of this, acid rain forms causing tremendous risks to health.
• Air pollution plays a great role causing global warming and climate change. The excess of carbon dioxide in the air leads to greenhouse effects. The government has altered the environment experts to come with global warming solutions soon.
• With continuous exposer to the environment, your health is at risk causing respiratory diseases, lungs problem and many more.
Solutions to Air pollution
1. The unique and best solution to this type of pollution is to replace fossils fuel with renewable energy by-products like solar wind and geothermal.
2. Nowadays, everyone has his own transport to commute which causes a lot of pollution. So, replace your pollutant vehicle with hydrogen and electric vehicle.
3. Production of clean energy is crucial but it is equally important to low down the consumption of energy. To illustrate, when you are not at home or not using it, switch off all lights and fans.
4. It is very essential to measure the air pollution level timely in order to control in time.
To curb air pollution, various measures are needed to save the atmosphere from further depletion. Not only government, but humans also are required to give a close view of the atmosphere by natural habitat.