Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Guide to regrow a forest

You all know that life is only possible on this planet only because of presence of water and trees. Without trees, you can't even breathe as they give you the essential element for a human to survive, which is oxygen.  In the society, almost all the things that you have are made of wood. Wood extracted from trees benefits you in several ways. To make more land available for cultivation, construction of buildings, and to fulfill daily life needs, you are clearings forests day by day.

By clearing of forests, you are not only cutting trees but the home of thousands of animals, birds, and insects living there. By doing this, you are minimizing the chance of discovering hundreds of new species of plants, animals, birds, and other creatures that are still unknown to human beings as every year, researchers find unique unusual species. You are still unaware of the interesting facts of these unknown species. You will be surprised to know 80% of the Earth’s forests have been cleared.

Afforestation and reforestation is the only way to have your golden forests back. Take inspiration from Padma Shree awardee Indian man, Jadav Payeng. He is also known as the Forest Man of India due to his contribution to prevent forests from extinction. He devoted his entire life to plant trees and planted 1,360 acres of forest in just 30 years. If he can do, so why not you?

If you are looking forward to doing this, we are suggesting some effective initial ways which help you in the processes of afforestation and reforestation.

1.    The first and foremost thing that you have to do is check the nutrient level of the soil in which you are growing the plant. Look at the weather conditions of that place and select those species of plants that develops well to that climate.

2.    Identify what nourishment these species of trees need and provide them all. For this you don't have to go anywhere; means there are plenty of options in your surroundings such as chicken manure or press mud. Also, identify the local biomass in that area for fertilizing.

3.    Now the most crucial step comes that is planting — plant saplings up to 80 centimeters high by maintaining proper distances between them. Ideal planting will be three to five per square meter. As you are turning vacant land into forests so plant more and more trees as you can. This task is not as difficult as you think; nature also does its work by taking care of them. It takes less than one year for the plant to grow, and this growth should be so dense that sunrays can't reach the ground. Every droplet of water from rain is conserved as each leaf that falls is formed into mucus, which provides natural nutrients to other plants to grow. 

Plants only need care for one to two years in the form of proper irrigation and seeding, and after that, it is self-sustained. But your work does not stop here; you have to check plant growth, changing rainfall patterns, change of weather conditions regularly and take steps accordingly.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Fast-growing trees to make your yard beautiful

Do you love to grow more trees and enjoy the mature landscape? But the truth is you can't wait for too long to reap the benefits. Don't worry, in this article, this query will be solved, and you can reap the benefits within no time.

Making your yard pleasing requires forethought because every tree or plant cannot serve your purpose. Whatever your motive behind growing more trees is, but you have to remember the variety. Let's put some light on the types of trees that can reap fast benefits. They are: -

1.    Hybrid poplar

This tree is the fastest growing shade tree that can shed your electricity bill as well. It grows 8 feet every year and gets mature up to 40 to 50 high. In this category, you will find many trees but most popular is Deltoides x Populus Nigra. However, it also makes the yard less messy.

2.    Sawtooth Oak

This is another famous tree that is planted by most of the people in their yards. It is a beautiful and durable shade tree. It easily adapts itself with a wide variety of soil and weather conditions.
The leaves of this tree change its colour from one season to another. The best part is it grows at a breakneck pace, and you will love this tree in your yard.

3.    Northern Catalpa

It is also called Cigar tree or Catawba. It is a very shady and showy tree that delivers added attraction to your place. However, Northern Catalpa is best for bees, and its thick canopy bog leaves are its biggest magic.

4.    Paper Birch

The Paper Birch tree is one of the better growing shade trees. It will look astounding in the yard of any house just because of its white park mainly in the winter season. 

5.    Red Maple

They are also known as Red Glory, and the best thing is, they can grow up to 25 meters tall and can thrive in several types of soil. Its roots are very shallow but can quickly spread in a large area. So, it is recommended that plant this Red Maple tree where there is ample space.
If you are interested in growing this tree, make sure that you take care of it properly and do pruning which is necessary for healthy growth.

6.    Weeping willow

This is another iconic shade tree that will look astounding in your yard. The overall growth rate of this tree is 3 to 8 feet every year. This tree is mostly grown where water is available in abundant amount. In the market, you will have enough variety of these plants that also grow in a dry climate as well.

7.    Japanese Maple

If you are looking for a fast-growing shade tree that will look attractive in the middle of your garden, go for Japanese Maple. People very much like it because of its quick growth, delicate leaves, and graceful shape.

8.    Babool or babul

Babool is also fastest growing tree that prefers to grow in sandy and sterile region. It needs a dry climate to get extra and fastest growth. This tree is very astounding in terms of shape, shade, and there are many medicines that are made from this tree.

Final thoughts-

By this method, you can grow more trees and make your yard or garden astounding. This not only saves the planet from excess CO2 rather it makes your living safe and advanced. On the other hand, you can make your yard look attractive and beautiful.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Solutions of Deforestation that you can practice

According to the report of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the earth is losing 18.7 acres of forest every year.

That’s why ending deforestation is very crucial to conserve wildlife, individuals, etc. with so many problems that are moving upwards on the path of ending the world. The best part is when you curb deforestation and plant more trees, global warming can come to a halt, and there is no effect of deforestation on air quality.

Now, lets talk about some of the strategies by which you can end deforestation: -

1.    Green business

The term ‘green business’ means re-use and recycling of the products. If every business follows green measures of production and utilization, then undoubtedly the issues of deforestation can come to a halt. Mainly, stress on recycling items and not using artificial things that are harming the environment.
The effects of deforestation on air quality can be reduced if you follow this method of making products.

2.    By promoting sustainable choices

If you make some difference in the fight to save the forest, then it is sure that your efforts will not get wasted. Now the question arises, how you can do this?

The answer is to use less stuff, eat sustainable food, always use recycled products made up of wood or paper, etc.

3.    Join some organizations

If various agencies for conservation, rainforest, NGOs that are protecting nature come together and join hands with a common goal to save the forest, then those days are not far when forest population will surge dramatically.

The main reason for this change can be proper management that helps to curb the effects of deforestation on air quality.

4.    Scannable powder to spray on trees
In order to stop the illegal import and export of wood, government organizations can use scannable powder on trees. This powder is invisible to naked eyes, and they can quickly verify whether the wood has come from legal or illegal sources.

     The best part is this scannable powder does not ruin the end products and cannot harm an individual or pollute the environment.

5.    Sensitization and education campaigns

The act of deforestation can be stopped through awareness, education, and sensitization. They are a simple form of creating awareness but can be very productive in making the environment safe and pollution-free.

Thus, if people continuously make efforts and make people aware of the environment, then it becomes easy for you and the government to curb deforestation.

6.    Start community forestry

Community forestry means planting trees locally in schools, colleges, universities, etc. By this means, every surrounding area can be safe, and sustainability can be attained.
It can be done on various occasions like, public holidays, festivals, etc.

7.    Change the politics

If any of the national government wants to save the environment, then they need to take essential steps. They have to take steps beyond the rule of the law-keeping environment as a priority. Moreover, these rules have to be strict and mandatory for every citizen of the nation.

So, by taking these above steps, you can easily conserve the forests and curb the effects of deforestation on air quality.

Monday, June 17, 2019

How to reduce carbon emissions

Carbon emissions in the atmosphere are the leading cause of global warming and climate change. Every household and individual on their part can help government to cut emissions of CO2 like insulating the home, setting up solar panels, planting more trees, following guidelines related to global warming solutions, and by innumerable other ways. The environment needs the practical efforts of humans.

Let’s talk about some easiest and extraordinary ways to cut the carbon footprints by its own. They are as follows: -

1.    Deduct the carbon emissions by air travel

•    Flying for pleasure should be avoided because traveling by air is the most significant factor of carbon gas in the air; until the aviation fuel is replaced by eco-friendly fuel.

•    Aviation department has to keep in mind that frequent take off and landing uses more fuel and emit a large amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. So, fly non-stop.

•    Don’t fly in private jets of your own as it is responsible for global warming

2.    At home

•    While building or renovating home, install energy efficient devices as it saves energy and reduces carbon emissions like furnaces, dishwashers, refrigerators, and so on.

•     Turn of the light when not in use and always use led bulbs.

•    Set up the thermostat in your home but make sure that it should not be too low or high.
•    Call an energy audit expert to check the house so that you come to know about the level of energy you can use. Moreover, they will tell you the best ways to be more energy efficient at home.

3.    In shopping

•    Try to purchase that stuff from the market that can be recyclable.
•    Don’t carry your things in plastic bags; always bring your cloth or paper bag for shopping. The reason behind this is plastic does not exhaust in the earth.

•    Buy a laptop instead of a computer as they utilize less energy.
•    Purchase energy star appliances and trust in those companies who are environment-friendly.

4.    By transportation

•    Use your car or bike less as they also use petroleum-based fuel, which results in carbon emissions. Take a cycle and drive through the market or office; it makes you healthy and fit too.

•    If its feasible while riding by car or by bike, don't use brake or acceleration too much as they consume more fuel. Other than this, don’t do rash driving as it results in 40% more fuel consumption.
•    Service is one of the crucial parts of any machinery. So, on regular basis service, car or bike service is essential to keep it eco-friendly.

•    If you are planning to purchase a new vehicle, go for a hybrid or an electric one.
•    Remove unnecessary things from the car as it will consume more fuel and emit carbon gas.

As you all know that climate change and global warming are interrelated to each other, it needs to be curbed by the small efforts. So, as an individual or with the help of government, adopt global warming solutions to live a happy and prosperous life.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Air pollution with regards its to effects and solutions

Air pollution is the term used to describe one of the major causes and global warming solutions to mankind. It is a sizeable threat to the surrounding atmosphere including humans, flora, and fauna. Air pollution, which is the release of toxic gases into the atmosphere is measured by chemical, biological and physical pollutants in an area.

Nowadays, numerous impurities altered the atmosphere leads to chronological diseases causing various disabilities. You may notice that some of the air pollutants in the air are visible, but you will be surprised to know that many of them are invisible. That too are tremendously hazardous to your life.

Types of air pollution: -

1.    Smog and Soot- They are major types of air pollution causing many issues to the environment and humans. Smog is known as ground-level ozone. It happens due to the combusting of fossils fuels with sunlight. Soot refers to the tiny particles or chemicals present in the air.

2.    Perilous air pollutants- These are in the form of gases which cause deadly health risks. Due to these gases, many lung disorders, eyes and skin diseases are the outcomes.

3.    Pollen and mold- They are tress particles which emit a lot of airborne gases which is carried in the atmosphere that cause dangerous health risks.

What causes air pollution?

There are innumerable factors which cause air pollution to an unlimited extent. It is due to the activities done by humans in the form of factories emitting toxic air. Cutting of trees is also the big cause of air pollution which in turn gives us less oxygen. Because of these gases, natural habitat disturbs and leads to the volcanic eruption, earthquakes, wildfires and dust storms, etc. 

Air pollution effects 

It is beyond the bounds of possibility to access the distraction caused by this pollution. Let's talk about the effects of air pollution on our natural habitat: -

•    It majorly disturbs the natural growth of plants and trees by averting photosynthesis. Because of this, acid rain forms causing tremendous risks to health.

•     Air pollution plays a great role causing global warming and climate change. The excess of carbon dioxide in the air leads to greenhouse effects. The government has altered the environment experts to come with global warming solutions soon.

•    With continuous exposer to the environment, your health is at risk causing respiratory diseases, lungs problem and many more.

Solutions to Air pollution 

1.    The unique and best solution to this type of pollution is to replace fossils fuel with renewable energy by-products like solar wind and geothermal.

2.    Nowadays, everyone has his own transport to commute which causes a lot of pollution. So, replace your pollutant vehicle with hydrogen and electric vehicle.

3.    Production of clean energy is crucial but it is equally important to low down the consumption of energy. To illustrate, when you are not at home or not using it, switch off all lights and fans.

4.    It is very essential to measure the air pollution level timely in order to control in time.


To curb air pollution, various measures are needed to save the atmosphere from further depletion. Not only government, but humans also are required to give a close view of the atmosphere by natural habitat.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

7 Reasons Why We Need to Plant Trees

Tree plantation is defined as one of the easiest and most powerful things one can do to have a positive impact on the environment.  Trees clean the air, prevent rainwater runoff, help you save energy and even fight with global warming.  It also helps to reduce carbonand provide shelter to wildlife. With the increment in the air pollution and decrement in the wildlife, there’s never been a better time for reforestation.

 Many organizations and businesses are choosing to help out by putting a percentage of their profits aside for tree plantation and maintenance. These organizations are working with a group of people in order to plant more trees because working together results in more positive effect to the environment.  

Here are the seven reasons we need trees:

Trees clean the air and help you breathe

Trees not only absorb CO2 but also absorb odors and pollutants like nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone. It is estimated that one tree can absorb nearly 10 pounds of polluted air each year and release 260 pounds of oxygen.

Trees fight climate change

Recycling and reducing the carbon footprint helps to fight the climate change. During the process of photosynthesis, trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide, thereby removing the carbon from atmosphere, storing it and releasing oxygen back into the air.

Planting trees is easy

Gardening consists of certain initiatives. There are so many variables included like the choice of plants, the soil etc.  However, it is considerably an easy task as you can start off with choosing a spot in your own yard to plant the trees.

Trees prevent soil erosion and rainwater runoff

During heavy rains, water runoff finds its way through streams, lakes and wetlands. This creates the scope for potential flooding. It also picks up and carries pollutants along its way. On the other hand, tree plantationbuffer the falling rain with the roots hold the soil inits place, encouraging the water to dissolve into the ground rather than run off.

Save money

Trees plantation and maintenance conserve energy in summer and winter, as they provide shade from the hot summer sun and shelter from cold winter winds. Trees standing all around your home would be advantageous as, you will spend less amount on energy bill in heating and cooling of your home.
Trees are good for your mental and physical health

The trees in urban areas has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and even the crime rate. More and more of Tree plantation and maintenance in hospital garden helps to have a quick recovery in hospital patients.

Attract birds, animals and creates amusement

Trees provide nesting sites, food and shelter for birds and other animals.  One can hang a feeder in one of the branches and enjoy the birdsong all year long.  For instance, Squirrels love to make their homes in trees, too, and watching their antics is a great way to spend a lazy summer afternoon.

Therefore, Tree plantation and maintenance provides you with the variety of benefits for human life as well as the life around us. It helps to resist climate change. It has become all the more important now , in view of the increase in air pollution and other types of pollutions which is effecting sustainability of environment and human life.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

How can we save our Environment?

According to the increase in the population, the environmental conditions are decreasing with a pace. Being busy with the luxurious facilities, nobody bothers what our environment is paying for that. Increasing population and pollution is the most significant reason behind the deteriorating conditions of the environment.  The waste either industrial or the household- is equally responsible for the rise in the pollution level.

Non-management of the waste products from the industries and the households pollute soil, water resources and air etc. Pollution of soil, water and air leads to a number diseases; for example stomach infections, chances of strokes, cholera, typhoid etc. Many organizations are working for the welfare of environment and teaching the upcoming youth a myriad of ways to save the environment.

Following are the contributions which an individual can do to save the environment:

Proper use of water resources

Water is our savior. No one could imagine a life without water. Improper use of water resources could lead to several troubles for our coming generations. In India, sewage, industrial waste and the statues of various Gods at the time of festivals are drowned away in the rivers and other water bodies. Water pollution leads to the emergence of a wide assortment diseases among human beings.

Keeping an eye on the recycle products

Recycling is a part of the three R’s of the waste management. The products which can be recycled must be put aside so that they could be used again and again. We should keep different dustbins at our places -one for the recycling waste and other for the non recycling waste.

Car pool system

One must pool car with friends and colleagues while going to the common place as more cars will cause more threat to environment. Car pool system is the best way to contribute towards the betterment of environment.

Use jute bags and metal bottles

Plastic is the most dangerous factor effecting the environment. It causes air pollution while burnt, soil pollution while dumped in the soil and affects the water animals while drowned in water. It has been assumed to be very hazardous for the health of the human beings. Therefore, less use of plastic bags and bottles is highly beneficial for the environment.

Minimize the use of paper

The paper and the printed material should be used only in case of emergency and if there is no other alternative left. Otherwise in today’s digital scenario, we all are having access to laptops, projectors etc. We can easily minimize the use of paper in our day to day life.

Industries and the use of plastic products have contributed for the prevalent worst condition of the environment. Varied ways opted by the government and organizations act as a ray of hope towards the betterment of the environment. The above explained contributions are to be performed at the individual level.

One step has the ability to change the mindset of the whole generation. So, let’s contribute for our environment and save nature’s beauty for our coming generations.