Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Guide to regrow a forest

You all know that life is only possible on this planet only because of presence of water and trees. Without trees, you can't even breathe as they give you the essential element for a human to survive, which is oxygen.  In the society, almost all the things that you have are made of wood. Wood extracted from trees benefits you in several ways. To make more land available for cultivation, construction of buildings, and to fulfill daily life needs, you are clearings forests day by day.

By clearing of forests, you are not only cutting trees but the home of thousands of animals, birds, and insects living there. By doing this, you are minimizing the chance of discovering hundreds of new species of plants, animals, birds, and other creatures that are still unknown to human beings as every year, researchers find unique unusual species. You are still unaware of the interesting facts of these unknown species. You will be surprised to know 80% of the Earth’s forests have been cleared.

Afforestation and reforestation is the only way to have your golden forests back. Take inspiration from Padma Shree awardee Indian man, Jadav Payeng. He is also known as the Forest Man of India due to his contribution to prevent forests from extinction. He devoted his entire life to plant trees and planted 1,360 acres of forest in just 30 years. If he can do, so why not you?

If you are looking forward to doing this, we are suggesting some effective initial ways which help you in the processes of afforestation and reforestation.

1.    The first and foremost thing that you have to do is check the nutrient level of the soil in which you are growing the plant. Look at the weather conditions of that place and select those species of plants that develops well to that climate.

2.    Identify what nourishment these species of trees need and provide them all. For this you don't have to go anywhere; means there are plenty of options in your surroundings such as chicken manure or press mud. Also, identify the local biomass in that area for fertilizing.

3.    Now the most crucial step comes that is planting — plant saplings up to 80 centimeters high by maintaining proper distances between them. Ideal planting will be three to five per square meter. As you are turning vacant land into forests so plant more and more trees as you can. This task is not as difficult as you think; nature also does its work by taking care of them. It takes less than one year for the plant to grow, and this growth should be so dense that sunrays can't reach the ground. Every droplet of water from rain is conserved as each leaf that falls is formed into mucus, which provides natural nutrients to other plants to grow. 

Plants only need care for one to two years in the form of proper irrigation and seeding, and after that, it is self-sustained. But your work does not stop here; you have to check plant growth, changing rainfall patterns, change of weather conditions regularly and take steps accordingly.


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